Pack This Pad
Whether you’re coming or going, the remedy for pretrip chaos and forgotten toiletries is here. An exhaustive checklist of everything you could ever need on a trip, this packing list pad will help even the most forgetful to arrive and depart fully equipped. Now avail in oh-so pretty sky blue—woohoo!
- Makes travel packing 98.9% less of a pain in the arse!
- File under: great travel-lover friend gifts for her or him—or however they identify!
- 6 x 9 inches, 60 sheets
217 N. Main St.
217 N. Main St
Mitchell SD 57301
United States
Whether you’re coming or going, the remedy for pretrip chaos and forgotten toiletries is here. An exhaustive checklist of everything you could ever need on a trip, this packing list pad will help even the most forgetful to arrive and depart fully equipped. Now avail in oh-so pretty sky blue—woohoo!
- Makes travel packing 98.9% less of a pain in the arse!
- File under: great travel-lover friend gifts for her or him—or however they identify!
- 6 x 9 inches, 60 sheets