News — shopping

Megan Sabers
What To Wear This Halloween 2019

What To Wear This Halloween 2019 - The Tickled Pink Guide To Glamour

Still stuck in the Monday blues, are you? Get up and brace yourself for the spooky season coming up! The countdown to Halloween is about to end and it's time for the most exhausting job for the year - costume planning and shopping. With tonnes of brands and a plethora of average outfits to choose from, a mind-boggling puzzle is waiting for you... Wait! Is that how you wanna welcome the festivities? No way! This year, forget the hustle-bustle and get ready to be Tickled Pink with the striking new collection we have to offer! Pioneering the new-arrivals for women’s...

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Megan Sabers

Prom Dress Shopping 101

Before you go Prom Dress shopping, there are a few things you should know and do.  Let's be honest, you are spending a lot of money for just one night.  We want you to feel the most beautiful and comfortable, which is why I am here to tell you the do's and don'ts of Prom Dress shopping! First of all let's talk about who you want to bring along with you.  Most girls want to bring a tribe of friends and family.  Well that shouldn't be the case. Most Prom Dress stores do not have the space to accommodate all of those...

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