News — prom

YellowFin Digital

Trendy Dress Ideas for Prom 2022

This is it! The event of the year that every high school student dreams about- prom night! An essential and most-anticipated part of a high school experience. Since the event is right around the corner, it’s time to start your search for the perfect dress. Our style experts at the Tickled Pink Boutique have curated a variety of gorgeous prom dress ideas that you are sure to love! We have everything from puffy princess styles to fitted, elegant gowns. Whatever your style and budget may be, we are here to help you find a dress that fits your needs. We...

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Megan Sabers

Prom Dress Shopping 101

Before you go Prom Dress shopping, there are a few things you should know and do.  Let's be honest, you are spending a lot of money for just one night.  We want you to feel the most beautiful and comfortable, which is why I am here to tell you the do's and don'ts of Prom Dress shopping! First of all let's talk about who you want to bring along with you.  Most girls want to bring a tribe of friends and family.  Well that shouldn't be the case. Most Prom Dress stores do not have the space to accommodate all of those...

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